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Kroger's Nearly $25 Billion Merger Is Bad for Shoppers, F.T.C. Says

·1 min

A trial commenced in Portland, Ore., to determine if the merger between the two largest supermarket chains in the United States can proceed. The grocery giant Kroger is being challenged by regulators who argue that the takeover of Albertsons would eliminate competition, negatively affecting consumers and workers. The Federal Trade Commission and the supermarket chains made their arguments in court for the first time, with union representatives and workers protesting the deal outside. The trial, set to last three weeks, takes place during a time of heightened concern over high food prices in the presidential race. Kroger and Albertsons defended the $24.6 billion deal, claiming it would enhance their leverage with suppliers and improve competition against major retailers. However, the F.T.C., along with unions, consumer advocates, politicians, and independent grocers, believes the merger would likely result in higher grocery prices and worse working conditions.